The Clinton-DiCaprio Summit

Leonardo DiCaprio recently conducted an interview with President Clinton for ABC. The interview, slated to air April 22, has outraged ABC News journalists, who are calling it inappropriate and an insult to their profession. What do you think?

“Leo plus hunky U.S. helmer equals boffo Nielsens, sez net exec! Why, no, I don’t write for

John Doby • Telejournalist

“It’s gonna turn my stomach to see DiCaprio mugging for the camera, asking softball questions, and blindly accepting any answer he gets, just like a real White House correspondent.”

George Liddell • Systems Analyst

“I don’t recall this sort of uproar when David Soul interviewed Jimmy Carter. Or was it Paul Michael Glaser?”

Harriet Isaacs • Homemaker

“I’ll watch only if Leo conducts the interview as the guy he played in

Jesse Taymor • Auto Mechanic

“I was fine with the first seven years of the Clinton presidency, but lately, it’s just degenerated into a shallow media circus.”

Dana Levin • Architect

“Leonardo DiCaprio is interviewing the president? This year, I think I’ll take my vacation in one of those countries that has millions of land mines strewn about.”

Duane Derricks • Marketing Executive

Sample front page of The Onion's DNC paper