Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court seat vacated by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, has driven controversy in Washington over both her beliefs and the legitimacy of her appointment. The Onion presents the case for and against confirming Barrett for the Supreme Court.
Case For Confirming Barrett:
Was able to name most of the protections under the first amendment.
Brings the wealth of judicial experience that only three years on the job can provide.
Mentored by Ginsburg’s longtime friend and colleague Antonin Scalia.
Seems only fair to let Republicans control at least one branch of government for foreseeable future.
Has promised not to make judicial decisions based on all the things she believes and has promised to uphold.
Case Against Confirming Barrett:
Rejecting her would mean everyone got infected at her nomination for nothing.
Internet flooded with DIY abortion videos.
Potentially inappropriate to appoint justices right before an election as noted by Judge Amy Coney Barrett in 2016.
Will inspire Catholic women all over the country.
Willing to go ahead with whole wretched farce in first place.