The House of Representatives recently voted to end the decades-old restriction prohibiting travel to Cuba. What do you think?
“But if we impose sanctions for just one more year, we could still win the Cold War.”
Charlie Todd • Financial Examiner
“What flake thought up this stupid bill? Oh, U.S. Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ).”
Mary Regan • Appraiser
“Tom DeLay claims lifting restrictions will support Fidel’s ’thugocracy.’ And who would know better than an elected Thugocrat?”
Porter Mason • Podiatrist
“Our country should not recognize the tyrant Castro until the land that belonged to the tyrant Batista is returned to its rightful mob owners.”
David Berman • Paramedic
“Making Cuba accessible to Americans would encourage reforms there, as it did in the once-oppressive republics of the Bahamas, Aruba, and South Padre Island.”
Jane Borden • Systems Analyst
“We all know imposing sanctions doesn’t work. It seems our only option is to
Rob Webber • Sales Agent