
The 10K Dow

On March 29, the Dow Jones made history, closing above 10,000 points for the first time ever. What do you think about Wall Street’s unprecedented vigor?

Patrick Glynn • Cab Driver

“Damn. I knew I should have invested my money in stocks instead of food.”

Patrick Glynn • Cab Driver

Lester Hodges • Investment Banker

“Ten thousand points doesn’t seem like that much. I regularly reach that on the Dig Dug machine at the Hyper-Mart.”

Lester Hodges • Investment Banker

Felicia Hassler • Systems Analyst

“Everything’s wonderful! Let’s celebrate America’s runaway prosperity by playing ’Yes! We Have No Bananas’ on the phonograph again!”

Felicia Hassler • Systems Analyst

Jen Kobel • Set Designer

“Some say money is the root of all evil. Then again, some say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed.”

Jen Kobel • Set Designer

Edward Burris • Cashier

“This gives me hope that perhaps someday my income will break the $10,000 mark.”

Edward Burris • Cashier

Robert Stearns • Architect

“Forgive me if I do not congratulate your ’Dow’ as it soars to ever-loftier heights. I am still mourning my lost son Icarus, whose hubris and folly made him fly too close to the sun.”

Robert Stearns • Architect