Tesla Announces Plan To Add Up-Skirt Cameras On All Vehicles

AUSTIN, TX—Crediting himself for the electric vehicle company’s latest innovation, CEO Elon Musk announced a plan Friday to add up-skirt cameras on all new Tesla vehicles. “There will be one interior camera mounted near the brake pedal in addition to several external up-skirt cameras to capture footage of pedestrians,” said Musk, who explained that in order to view the cameras, all drivers would be required to opt-in to share their data with Tesla headquarters. “This is a crucial safety feature, as we discovered during testing that you can actually get kicked really hard if you get on your hands and knees to look for yourself. The vehicle will not unlock if you are wearing pants. With a resolution of 1.2 megapixels, you should be able to see all the good stuff. ” At press time, the feature was reportedly discontinued after the company discovered not a single Tesla owner was a woman.