With the gaze of the whole world fixed on his small Gainesville, FL–based Dove World Outreach Center this Sept. 11, Pastor Terry Jones shocked an anxious media by calling off his threat to burn 200 copies of the Koran, which is bullshit, really, because the guy should have at least had the balls to torch one measly copy. Right? If Jones, or anyone, wants to get a few hundred million people all riled up on the anniversary of a major national tragedy by saying he’s going to burn a Koran, he’d better step up to the goddamn plate and burn a fucking Koran. Just to show the world he’s not wasting everybody’s time, if for no other reason. At least hold a match up to it and make a few hand motions like you’re gonna do it, you know? Jesus Christ, something! Instead, Terry Jones totally wimped out in front of dozens of international news crews who were all just sitting there waiting patiently to catch one holy book going up in flames. Just one! But nope. He couldn’t do it. In the end, 2010’s biggest coward simply didn’t have the stones to go through with it. Pussy.