
Supreme Court Hears Affirmative Action Case

The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments yesterday in Fisher v. The University of Texas, a case in which 22-year-old Abigail Fisher claimed she had been unfairly denied admission to the school because she was white. What do you think?

Lloyd Allman • Unemployed

“This is a terrible policy. Because of it, campuses across the country are missing out on the rich and vibrant culture that whites bring.”

Lloyd Allman • Unemployed

Maurice Fazakas • Baking Powder Mixer

“This generation is never going to learn anything about real hardship if it’s allowed to just take all its problems to the Supreme Court.”

Maurice Fazakas • Baking Powder Mixer

 Janice Krzanowski • Machine Desulfurizer

“I’m glad white people have finally been able to use the courts to their advantage.”

Janice Krzanowski • Machine Desulfurizer