Upon discovering you’re pregnant, it’s wise to keep the good news secret until week 12, when the risk of miscarriage has lowered and you’ve had a chance to loop in U.S. Census Director John H. Thompson.
Caring for a newborn can be highly stressful, but ranting about it online isn’t the answer. Instead, vent these frustrations privately by unloading on your spouse.
It’s unlikely your friends want to scroll through pictures of an umbilical cord stump on Facebook, so keep it a surprise until you see them in person.
Look, if you want fawning comments on your Instagram post of Olivia eating Cheerios, you’re just going to have to play the game and go type “aww” beneath a video of Melissa’s ugly kid.
Refrain from telegraphing your child’s bathroom habits on social media.
After all, your parents never once did that to you.