Slow-Working Pitcher Really Getting Inside Head Of Kid In Crowd Who Needs To Go To The Bathroom

DETROIT—Three hours and only six innings into the Tigers-Indians game last Sunday, Detroit starting pitcher Brad Penny’s slow work on the mound was effective in getting inside the head of 6-year-old spectator Jacob Windham, who badly needed to use a restroom. “At this point—no outs, multiple lazy throws to first, and his dad refusing for a fourth time to take him to the bathroom until the inning’s over—the kid’s completely at the mercy of Penny,” Tigers radio analyst Jim Price remarked. “You can see him squirming up there, shifting his weight around. He knows his only chance is to keep his head down and avoid looking at that fountain in center field.” Following another mound visit by catcher Alex Alvila, Penny finally got to Windham when the kid pissed himself and had to be taken out of the game screaming and crying.