Slight Breeze A Major Factor In Wiffle Ball Game

EDEN PRAIRIE, MN—Wreaking havoc as it slowly blew across the backyard, a slight breeze reportedly played a major factor in the Harelik family’s Wiffle ball game last Sunday. “Normally Uncle Rob is good for a couple big home runs, but nothing was getting over our neighbor’s fence that day with such a gentle summer wind,” said Jordan Harelik, 14, describing the adjustments he and relatives on both teams were forced to make while attempting to bat, throw, and catch the ball through the barely discernible 2 mph east-to-west currents. “The breeze was making Aunt Susan’s pitches hook like crazy, and if she didn’t put some real heat on her throws they died before even making it to the lawn chair we used as a catcher. Tyler was running in circles just trying to catch Mom’s pop fly that kept dancing in the wind, and his drop ended up costing us two runs. It was a real mess out there.” Family members confirmed that gameplay became almost completely impossible in the fourth inning after the ball became slightly dented.

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