
Shipwreck That May Have Inspired ‘The Goonies’ Discovered Off Oregon Coast

Volunteer archaeologists spelunking along the Oregon coast found wood from a shipwreck that researchers think belonged to a Spanish galleon that capsized in the 17th century and may have also served as inspiration for the 1985 film The Goonies. What do you think?

Howard Fabrega, Flaw Inspector

“I remember watching w

Howard Fabrega, Flaw Inspector

Ginny Stone, Systems Analyst

“If I was trying to get people to give me money for some wood I found in the ocean, that’s exactly what I’d say, too.”

Ginny Stone, Systems Analyst

Sahil Pellegrino, Conversationalist

“If I haven’t seen the movie, will I still understand the shipwreck?”

Sahil Pellegrino, Conversationalist