
Sexist Media Keeps Only Referring To Woman As ‘Bride Of ISIS Soldier’

NEW YORK—Decrying the label as “shamelessly sexist,” media watchdog Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting issued a statement Monday condemning the American press for only referring to Alabama-born jihadist Hoda Muthana as “bride of ISIS soldier.” “Ms. Muthana is an accomplished ISIS member in her own right, having joined one of the top terrorist organizations in the world at the age of only 20,” said FAIR spokesperson Keith Finneran, explaining how terms like “ISIS bride” and “wife of ISIS soldier,” routinely used to refer to Muthana in news headlines, are derogatory in that they credit the woman’s hard-won contributions to the war on infidels to her husband. “To be identified simply by her role as a bride is disrespectful and does a great disservice to all she has achieved for the caliphate. You wouldn’t call a man ‘husband of ISIS fighter,’ would you? So show Ms. Muthana the same consideration.” Finneran clarified that you shouldn’t refer to Muthana as a “female terrorist” either, because the countless hours she’s allegedly spent online calling for the death of Americans makes her just as much of a terrorist as anyone else.