
Send In The Ground Troops

With air attacks proving ineffective against the Serbs, the possibility of sending ground troops into Kosovo is being discussed. What do you think about such a prospect?

Bob Hegan • Financial Planner

“Ground troops? Didn’t we already bomb the hell out of that country? I swear, we just give and give and give…”

Bob Hegan • Financial Planner

Phyllis Holtzman • Homemaker

“With all the incredible military technology at America’s disposal, there’s no excuse for us not to create a lasting peace in the Balkans.”

Phyllis Holtzman • Homemaker

Ross Segui • Barber

“As a member of the U.S. Army Reserves, I have just one thing to say: ’Oh, shit.’”

Ross Segui • Barber

Lynette Tenace • Speech Pathologist

“Well, I can certainly understand why the Serbs are so aggressively nationalistic. Ever seen Yugoslavia? It’s

Lynette Tenace • Speech Pathologist

Ike Bando • Systems Analyst

“I hear that Serb guy is the new Hitler. Of course, I can’t remember why or what his name is, but the important part is

Ike Bando • Systems Analyst

Rich Klimkowski • Sales Representative

“Those Albanian refugees, camping on hillsides in groups of 20,000, living in their own feces with no food or water… It reminds me of when I followed the Dead back in ’89. Keep on truckin’, Kosovars!”

Rich Klimkowski • Sales Representative