
Scientists Say Newly Discovered Earthlike Planet Could Support Robust Economy

SANTA CRUZ, CA—Astronomers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, announced Friday that preliminary studies of Gliese 581g, a habitable planet orbiting a red dwarf star 20 light-years away, indicate its conditions are perfect to support a booming economy. “With the possibility of a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere, the likelihood of water sources, and no indication of local zoning laws or taxes, conditions on Gliese 581g are almost textbook≠perfect for the industrial sector,” said Professor Steven S. Vogt, the planet’s discoverer, adding that he would not be surprised to find the planet was well-suited to host basic forms of employment. “With its unmatched areas for growth, especially in the real estate and manufacturing fields, I would advise immediate investment.” Vogt said that because the planet’s gravity was conducive to human beings walking on its surface, he saw no reason why people from Earth wouldn’t one day be able to invest in risky speculative bubbles on Gliese 581g that would drive the planet into complete economic free fall.