School Psychologist Crushing It In Wake Of Fatal Sports Injury

SLATON, TX—Comforting grieving teammates and students left and right, Byron Meadows High School psychologist Mark Caldwell was said to be absolutely crushing it this week in the wake of a fatal varsity football injury. “Mark is on fire right now—he’s already met one-on-one with all of [junior wide receiver] Brett Regan’s closest friends and even stopped in the hallway this morning to console a sophomore who was crying,” said ninth-grade history teacher Lynn Jackson, who added that while Caldwell brought his emotional support A-game when word got out that the student was placed on life support, he then cranked it up to a whole new level as soon as Regan was pronounced dead. “He’s just been going balls to the wall providing solace to the entire BMHS community. We’re talking an open-door policy in his office throughout the school day, therapy sessions with each member of the coaching staff, organized moments of silence during both lunch periods—and all that before he absolutely teed off on last night’s candlelight vigil.” Jackson added that if Caldwell’s grief counseling efforts weren’t badass enough, he “completely went off” during Tuesday’s schoolwide assembly by addressing the fuck out of bereavement and loss.

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