Sanders Supporter Urges Importance Of Listening To Minority Voices Just Not Specifically The Ones Who Handed Victory To Biden

DETROIT—Stressing the need for inclusivity and intersectionality in the 2020 Democratic primaries, local Bernie Sanders supporter Kevin Randall took to Facebook Wednesday to stress the importance of listening to minority voices, just not any of the ones that have handed victory to Joe Biden. “We need to make clear that, with the exception of those who showed up in droves to vote for Biden in South Carolina and on Super Tuesday, our movement has room for all people of color,” wrote Randall, who explained that it’s important to avoid becoming siloed within one’s own narrow worldview and to empathize with Americans from every background who did not just make Biden the new frontrunner last night. “Marginalized groups are being shut out of these conversations, so we need to take a moment to hear what, in particular, 18-to-35-year-old, college-educated, progressive black and Latino voters from western states have to say. They, along with the tiny minority of working-class citizens in disenfranchised minority communities who object to the moderate platform of Joe Biden, should not be made to feel invisible in our democracy.” Randall later added that it was also important to listen to older Jewish people, except for the ones who cast ballots for Mike Bloomberg.

Sample front page of The Onion's DNC paper