RNC Coverage: The Last Man

I made it down to the flea-bag motel my editors set me up in (don’t ask) and headed over to the Con. The Welcome Wagon of the City of Twin Saints just keeps on rolling!

Seemed kind of quiet but I assumed that was because everyone was already inside. But when I got in it is was nearly empty …

It’s almost like everyone evacuated or something … sort of eerie. And not unlike a film my old buddy Chuck Heston (God Rest His Soul and Cold Hands) made years ago titled the Omega Man.

In that one, he was the last human left alive (or one of the last) and was chased by some kind of zombies or something. It was a Science-Fantasy movie – with emphasis on the “Fantasy.” Can you imagine being the last person left alive? You could just get anything you wanted for free, like a flat screen TV or a new Lincoln Town Car. If “Omega” means “Lucky” in Latin then that is one well-titled movie!

I decided to check out the press area – but again, empty.

Even Pajamas TV is gone.

I haven’t been up on the news lately so it’s very possible some sort of plague hit the town, or maybe the Axis of Evil is up to no good. I’m going to see what I can dig up on this right after I eat.

Damn the evil-doers! “Sausage Haus” (I love when they spell things funny, by the way, like the “Kwik Mart”) is yet another casualty in the War on Terror. But if we go hungry, they win. I’m going to keep looking.

See Kelly’s Editorial Cartoons Here