
Résumé Font Offends Employer

CHARLOTTE, NC—The decision to set his résumé in default-font Times–New Roman “deeply, personally, and irrevocably” offended a prospective employer of Seth Hershey Monday. “I look for quality, pedigree, and competency in the résumés that cross my desk, but I don’t care if you founded the Harvard School of Business—if you’re going to use a crap typeface like this, you might as well send me a finger painting in your own shit,” said HealthBest South Associate Vice-President Dick Scottsfield shortly after hurling the document across his office in disgust. “Did he think we’d accept something like this here? Does he take me for a damn fool? If he had chosen the correct font, why, I could’ve even overlooked this cheap, 14-lb. cotton stock paper.” Scottsfield said he intends to offer the job to the first person who uses a decent 12-point Cheltenham Book with an elegant leading.