BETHESDA, MD—Singling out the behavior as one of the leading risk factors for premature mortality, a report published Monday by the National Institute of Health confirmed that over 90,000 Americans die every year from living the way you do. “Our research shows that thousands in this country die needlessly from behaving in the exact manner that you go about your daily life,” said report author Dr. Elliot Weinstein, indicating that your manner of sleeping, eating, drinking, socializing, and even maintaining back posture have driven countless individuals across the United States to an early death. “What’s especially unfortunate is how preventable these deaths are. All these individuals have to do is take one look at your current state—just a single look—and realize that this is not a person anyone should want to emulate. Sadly, it’s only on their deathbed that most ask themselves why they ever followed your example.” Weinstein added that it was important to emphasize, however, that it was impossible to live like you in a healthy or responsible way.
Report: Over 90,000 Americans Die Every Year From Living Way You Do
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