Report: New Suit, Sir?

Looks Great

SPARKS, MD—In a report suggesting that the boss had come in this morning with an even sharper-than-usual appearance, sources confirmed Monday that must be a new suit, sir, and it sure looks great. “Not everyone could pull off an outfit like that, but the boss does it with ease,” said eagerly grinning sources, noting that the head honcho had completed his impressive look with a stylish new haircut and that it appears he’s lost weight, though sources added they didn’t know how he found the time due to always burning the midnight oil at the office. “It’s safe to say that the missus bought that gorgeous silk tie that goes so perfectly with the jacket, which serves as another indicator that the boss sure knows how to pick ’em.” The report concluded by acknowledging that it was the honor of a lifetime to get to work for such a finely tailored man.