
Really-Loud-Whistle Guy Takes Every Opportunity To Whistle Loudly

AUSTIN, TX—Whether he’s making his approval known during sporting events and rock concerts, or simply in a situation that requires him to get the attention of one or more persons, 33-year-old loud whistler Jim Burston never misses an occasion to insert his pinkies into his mouth and whistle loudly, sources reported Monday. “I’m not sure it was necessary to whistle like that to gather everyone in the breakroom for cupcakes,” said coworker Robert Lindel, referring to a recent incident in which Burston whistled piercingly for more than 10 seconds until everyone in his office had assembled for a workplace birthday celebration. “He could have just sent an e-mail.” According to witnesses, Burston last whistled loudly at the conclusion of a bris, but was quickly drowned out by loud-air-horn guy Lucas Nesbaum, 32, a man known for frequently discharging an ear-shattering 345-decibel air horn.

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