
Quitting Smoking Adds Decade To Women's Lives

According to a study of 1.3 million women, those who gave up cigarettes by age 40 lived an average of 10 years longer than lifelong smokers, while those who quit by age 30 had a 97 percent chance of avoiding an early death altogether. What do you think?

Sandra Gagne • Lobbyist

“Hmm, what’s the takeaway here? Should I stop smoking?”

Sandra Gagne • Lobbyist

Scott Lindsey • Café Manager

“Yeah, that’s what my wife claims as her reason for quitting, but I still think it’s just her excuse to chew all the gum she wants.”

Scott Lindsey • Café Manager

Antoine Klinman • Dog Groomer

“But were they able to conclude which brand was smoothest?”

Antoine Klinman • Dog Groomer