Public breastfeeding continues to become increasingly acceptable as more women decide to embrace motherhood without sacrificing their work or social lives. However, some men are not comfortable with such open displays of caregiving. We spoke to several men about why they believe breastfeeding in public should be banned, and this is what they said.
Antonio Velez, Web Designer
“The very idea of infants receiving nourishment sickens me.”
Duane Carter, Attorney
“Everyone would win if women had easy access to shame tents.”
Sal Chapman, PE Teacher
“I’m concerned that a woman is allowed to leave her home.”
Charlie Meinhard, Bartender
“If I’m not allowed to lactate in public, no one is.”
Gil Dedrich, Contractor
“I haven’t perfected my whistles and hollers yet.”
Spencer DeVries, Barista
“An endless source of free milk is a threat to critical dairy farming jobs.”
Charlie Bolton, Data Analyst
“It’s rude to offer breast milk to your baby if you don’t have enough to share with everyone.”
Jason Petras, Dietician
“Ensuring your child’s immediate needs are met is un-American.”
Keith French, Bus Masturbator
“Always steals the show.”
Mateo Hicks, Accountant
“I want to ban everything. Books, breastfeeding, lettuce, hotels, I don’t care what it is, I want to ban it.”
Alfred Harkin, Graphic Designer
“Only men should be allowed to breastfeed in public, and even then only to make a warped point about how women shouldn’t.”
Chaz Firez, Bodybuilder
“It distracts from people checking out these 17-inch pythons I’m working with.”
Rob Gomez, Tailor
“I don’t see why babies can’t just eat solid food like the rest of us.”
Mark Hennesey, Butcher
“If you want to make sure your baby doesn’t grow up to be weak, you’ve got to get them chewing on a steak immediately.”
Jacob Owens, Executive Assistant
“It’s not natural to see breasts outside of billboards, TV, magazines or the internet.”
Chase Daugherty, Real Estate Agent
“If you feed your baby whenever they want, they’ll lose their slim figure.”
Wesley Young, Pastor
“I just think it’s more natural to use formula.”
Doug Hoffman, Health Inspector
“Incest is wrong.”