Protecting Chelsea's Privacy

A recent People cover story about Chelsea Clinton prompted an angry response from President Clinton and the First Lady, who have shielded their daughter from media scrutiny throughout their time in Washington. What do you think about the First Daughter’s right to privacy?

“I applaud President Clinton for taking a bold stand against actions that, while not technically illegal, leave a certain bad taste in the mouths of many people.”

James Hoge • Civil Engineer

“Hey, I don’t hear Julia Roberts’ parents bitching.”

Joan Foster • Speech Therapist

“Which one is Chelsea, again—the cat or the chocolate lab?”

Duane Abercrombie • Mechanic

“Chelsea should not be on the cover of

Leonard Morris • Systems Analyst

“I can’t believe

Michael Worley • Telemarketer

“As a Stanford undergrad, I feel all this attention on Chelsea is wrong. The media should be focusing on my ex-roommate Jill Dwyer, a scheming bitch who stole my boyfriend and still owes me $30 for the electric bill.”

Tracey Pollard • Student