Pros And Cons Of An NFL Franchise In London

PRO: Desire to see grown men crush each other knows no nationality

CON: Players may react poorly to prim but adorable trainers who fly with aid of parasol and burst into character-building songs every 10 minutes

PRO: British prisons have plenty of room for athletes

CON: British viewers have a tendency to say “oh, my!” and faint at even the mildest block

PRO: Could call team the London Fog and helmet could feature a badass cloud

CON: Entire fucking ocean away from every other team

PRO: Fans actually polite and well-spoken right up until they riot and push each other through chain-link fences

CON: Victorious coaches will not enjoy being doused with 40 gallons of hot tea

PRO: Great way to piss off L.A.

CON: Changing of the Left Guards loses its flair after the third or fourth time