
Prison Charges Inmate $1 Per Minute For Time With Photo Of Family

SAN QUENTIN, CA—Advising inmates to be ready with the proper funds available in their accounts, a new policy at San Quentin State Prison charges those in custody $1 per minute for time with a family photo, sources reported Wednesday. “As of today, it will cost $3 to begin looking at an image of a loved one, and then an additional dollar for every minute that you stare longingly into their eyes after that,” said Warden Joe Gargano, adding that surcharges were added for optional privileges like crying, sobbing, or even smiling when confronted with an image of a parent, spouse, or child. “Remember, if you spend too much time with a photo and are unable to pay, all family photo time will be permanently revoked. Also, as a reminder, there is a hard maximum of five minutes with any photo, even if it’s of a newborn baby, aging relative, or family member who has recently died. Ticktock. We don’t have all day.” At press time, several inmates at San Quentin had reportedly been given time in solitary confinement after several smuggled-in cell phones were found to contain family photos.