
Premiums Drop Sharply For Popular Obamacare Plans

Despite repeated Republican attempts to undermine the law and an ongoing lawsuit, the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace will see a 4% drop in premiums for key plans while the number of insurers increases—a sign of further maturity and stability in the imperiled health insurance option. What do you think?

Alan Robles • Brainstorm Facilitator

“Alright. And what are the benefits of paying less?”

Alan Robles • Brainstorm Facilitator

Darla Pearson • Testimonial Spokesman

“$407 a month wasn’t realistic, but $388? Now we’re talking.”

Darla Pearson • Testimonial Spokesman

Mateo Randolph • Unemployed

“Glad to see Obama’s plan to destroy us all is backfiring on him.”

Mateo Randolph • Unemployed