FAIRFAX, VA—After nearly 150 years spent unapologetically advocating for a single, unifying issue, the National Rifle Association—one of the nation’s most influential special interest groups—momentarily blanked on its entire political agenda Monday. “I am here to tell you today that we really, really care about this subject, and that we’d probably be willing to die for it. Is it abortion? No, that’s not it,” spokesman Michael Loomis said during a rally held at the NRA headquarters firing range. “I am totally blanking here. It’s, ’Something, something, cold dead hand,’ right? Gah! It’s on the tip of my tongue!” The NRA’s memory lapse comes on the heels of last week’s PETA march on Washington, during which the organization was briefly unable to recall its stance on the ruthless murder of helpless animals for their fur.
Powerful Special Interest Group Momentarily Blanks On Agenda
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