DES MOINES, IA—With national media attention ramping up in preparation for next week’s Iowa caucuses, a poll released Monday by Drake University found that two-thirds of Iowans are turned on by the knowledge the whole country is watching them. “All those people staring at us, eagerly watching our every move, feasting their eyes on our polling data—it really gets me going,” said Des Moines public school teacher Ashley Tierney, echoing the sentiments of thousands of her fellow Iowans, who reported that the thought of so many Americans focused intently on their state engaging in the democratic process left them feeling exposed and violated, and that they enjoy it. “Just think of how many voters are looking at us right now, completely unable to participate in the caucuses themselves; they just have to sit there and watch. Mmm. Oh, my, I think I need to sit down.” A visibly flushed Tierney then bit her lower lip and told reporters she was excited to “put on a little show” for onlookers by doing something very naughty and voting against her personal interests.
Poll Finds 68% Of Iowans Turned On By Knowledge Whole Nation Watching
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