Polka Fan On A Real Harold Loeffelmacher Kick Lately

NEKOOSA, WI—Confessing that he just couldn’t get enough of the trombone-playing musician, local polka fan Tim Hahn told reporters Monday that he had been on a real Harold Loeffelmacher kick as of late. “I’ll admit it: I’ve been going straight-out nuts for Loeffelmacher recently,” said Hahn, noting that his “Loeff Kick” had started after attending a tribute concert for the bandleader last month in nearby Plovis before spiraling into an all-out binge of Loeffelmacher classics like “Pennsylvania Polka,” “Hupie Shoepie Polka,” and “Im Himmel Gibts Kein Bier.” “What can I say? Sometimes, I just get an itch that nothing but Loeffelmacher and the Six Fat Dutchmen can scratch.” Hahn added that the only thing that could bring his Loeffelmacher tear to an end was if he played his vinyl copy of “Schnitzelbank” so often that it wore out.