Police Investigate Reports Of Local Gay Man Being Dragged Behind Boat

NORWOOD, NC—Law enforcement officials investigated a disturbance Sunday afternoon following reports of a screaming gay man being dragged across a lake behind a boat. “We received multiple accounts of two male suspects forcefully pulling a young gay man behind their motorboat at high speeds,” said Sgt. Michael Bosch of the Norwood Police Department, who noted that people on shore observed the gay man frantically waving and shouting the entire time he was yanked through the water by a 75-foot length of rope. “Witnesses indicated that the two suspects appeared to enjoy putting the gay man through this ordeal, even laughing out loud at him when he yelled that they were going too fast.” Sources further confirmed that any time the gay man became disconnected from the boat, the two men quickly reattached him so they could continue dragging him across the lake.