People-Watcher Catches Glimpse Of Rare North American Black Doofus

AKRON, OH—After sitting for nearly three hours in his usual spot behind a café window downtown, people-watcher Peter Mitchell was thrilled Thursday to log a rare sighting of a North American Black Doofus. The Doofus, described by Mitchell as young and spazzy with prominent spotted plumage, was at first concealed by three much more common Suited Dill Weeds, but the people-watcher was afforded an unobstructed view once the Dill Weeds left the scene to pursue a flock of Large-Breasted Skanks. “Shhhh, don’t frighten it,” whispered Mitchell, awestruck by the exceptional specimen. “Now, if you look right behind him there, you’ll see a Chinese Cross-Dresser. They’re rare enough to spot on their own, but it’s almost unheard of to see these two in the same habitat.” Mitchell took note of the sightings in his people-watching notebook, a behavioral tic that is apparently common to the Squatting Coffee-Shop Creep.