Paul Ryan Awaiting SoulCycle Instructor’s Approval Before Accepting Speaker Role

WASHINGTON—Stressing that the difficult decision needed to be discussed with those closest to him, Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan told reporters Thursday that he was still awaiting the firm approval of his trusted SoulCycle instructor before accepting the House Speaker role. “While serving as Speaker of the House would certainly be a great honor, I could not even consider stepping into that post unless I absolutely had the full blessing of Craig,” said Ryan, adding that his inclination to accept the House’s top leadership position was entirely dependent on the unwavering support of his longtime instructor, who he’s been with since SOUL101. “I need to spend some quality time with my instructor after his 5:30 a.m. class so we can have a heart-to-heart conversation. Craig knows how to keep me centered, and he’s the most important person in my life, someone who I constantly rely on for support and an epic full-body workout.” Ryan also told reporters that regardless of whether he accepts the House Speaker role, his high-intensity interval training would always come first.