GLENCOE, IL—Reminding themselves not to get complacent as they reached the culmination of their months-long project, local parents Leah and Adam Oberg told reporters Tuesday that they only had a two-week hole to fill before their children’s summer camp lineup was complete. “We mostly got Mackenzie out of the way early with Girl Scouts and horseback riding camp, but we’ve still got this gaping hole in Caleb’s midsummer schedule that we can’t seem to fill,” said Leah Oberg, adding that the couple knew not to rest on their laurels merely because they had secured spots at a magic-themed sleepaway camp for both children in August. “We’re really under the gun here, too. Let’s see, we’ve got swimming, karate—what else do kids like? We’ve got to tread carefully here, since Caleb’s already mad at us for sending him to tennis camp. Is there anything at the community pool? No? What the hell do you mean it’s all booked up?” At press time, the couple had fallen into a horrified silence after realizing they forgot to book anything for their children’s weekends in July.
Parents Just Have 2-Week Hole To Fill In Before Summer Camp Lineup Complete
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