Bluey, an Australian cartoon about an anthropomorphic blue heeler puppy, has been repeatedly accused of indoctrinating children with a left-wing agenda. The Onion asked parents why they believe the popular children’s show is too woke, and this is what they said.
Peter McCarthy, Parking Lot Attendant
“Bluey’s dad never once beats her for disobeying his God-given authority.”
Maureen Thomas, Financial Planner
“Every episode ends with Bluey defecating on the American flag.”
Gus Lang, Ceramicist
“Pretty sure Aunt Trixie is vaxxed.”
Greg Wayne, Dentist
“Woke, not woke, whatever. I just don’t want my kid growing up in a world where he thinks dogs can talk.”
Frank Gaston, Financial Analyst
“It’s thinly veiled propaganda shamelessly peddling far-left ideologies like empathy.”
Sal Rialto, Interior Designer
“We stopped watching after they guillotined all the land-owning dogs and started collective farms.”
Bill Henderson, Bouncer
“The mom dog is lacking feminine curves.”
William Harmon, Financial Planner
“I just assume any cartoon that isn’t hentai porn has some kind of agenda.”
Janice Wheelan, Nurse
“Doesn’t the ‘A’ in LGBTQIA stand for Australian?”
Jeff Greene, Hair Stylist
“When people are animals, I don’t know what race they are.”
Bruce Dean, Miner
“Not enough God or N-bombs.”
Harry Watson, Unemployed
“Not a single episode where Bluey gets the belt.”
Chelsea Wise, Homemaker
“The mom dog has a job.”
Kevin Goodman, Immigration Officer
“Suggesting girls can like the color blue is just the first step towards white genocide.”
Geraldine White, Social Media Influencer
“If we start learning life lessons from dogs, it’s a slippery slope to gay-marrying them.”
Lina Hadad, Anesthesiologist
“I heard there is a disgusting, uncensored episode where the mom teaches Bluey how to peg her boyfriend.”
Jeremy Salvas, Funeral Director
“There isn’t a single neo-Nazi dog on the show.”