Oprah Winfrey is being sued in Texas court by beef-industry representatives, who claim that remarks she made on a show about mad-cow disease were “false and disparaging,” costing them millions of dollars in beef sales. What do you think?
“As a fat, uneducated housewife, I am deeply torn between my love of Oprah and my love of beef.”
Bernice Gadsen • Homemaker
“Because of what Oprah said, I’m not eating beef anymore. I’m also applying blush
Angela Dorner • Cashier
“I just hope this trial doesn’t keep Oprah from telling me what to read this month.”
Chris Kelleher • Optometrist
“The Beef Council must be very worried about the millions of dollars it would lose if Oprah were to stop buying beef.”
Kevin Ingersoll • Student
“Today on her show, Oprah was wearing a mauve pullover. Now I hear mauve-pullover futures are going through the roof.”
Roy Brady • Systems Analyst
“Oprah’s guilt in this case is implicit. After all, she has claimed many times that she’s every woman.”
Reid Humphries • Lawyer