In a major political victory for President Bush, the Senate recently voted to open the Alaskan Arctic Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. What do you think?
“This can’t be true. Bush described himself as an environmental guardian last fall, and I’ve seen photos of him standing in front of trees.”
Cecelia Mayo • Systems Analyst
“At least now we’ll see the area destroyed in 10 short years instead of watching global warming do it over a painful, drawn-out 40.”
Angel Macias • Lifeguard
“What I don’t get is why this counts as ’a victory for the energy lobby’ instead of ’a loss for the country at large.’”
Ted Bonner • Locksmith
“But… but where will there be pristine and untouched wonders left for me to drive my GMC Yukon through?”
Floyd Holden • Author
“They’re drilling in the Alaskan wilderness? That’s too bad. Someone really ought to look into passing laws to put such places under federal protection so this doesn’t happen again.”
Richard Lott • Civil Engineer
“If I may be allowed to pursue the idea of ’addiction to oil,’ I think the nation just reached the point where we sold our wedding ring for one night’s fix.”
Loni Sweet • Histopathologist