
NYC’s ‘Taxi Of Tomorrow’ Unveiled

The Nissan NV200 minivan was revealed Tuesday as New York City’s newest taxi, featuring a low-annoyance horn and a more comfortable driver’s seat, with city officials announcing plans to roll out thousands more as older models are retired. What do you think?

Doreen Woodard • Racket Stringer

“And the doubters were saying we were decades away from low-annoyance horns.”

Doreen Woodard • Racket Stringer

Miles Henderson • Systems Analyst

“It’s going to take a lot more than some flashy new cars to compete with Uber’s blatant disregard for its employees.”

Miles Henderson • Systems Analyst

John Dannon • Figurine Shaper

“Comfortable seats? Being a cab driver just keeps getting better and better.”

John Dannon • Figurine Shaper

Sample front page of The Onion's DNC paper