Nintendo Entertainment System Turns 30

The original version of the Nintendo Entertainment System, known as the Famicom or Nintendo Family Computer, first became available in Japan 30 years ago this month. Here are some of the most notable moments and milestones in the iconic video game console’s history:

1984: Advances in technology allow the console to shrink pixels to a half-inch in size

1985: A delighted Nintendo CEO Hiroshi Yamauchi spends the entire two-hour unveiling of the North American NES showing reporters how he can make Mario dance at the top of a vine

1987: The Legend Of Zelda performs well in the U.S. despite most players failing to appreciate the game’s satirical critique of Japanese politics

1987: Nintendo discontinues the small hose that blasts NES players with scalding hot water after losing a game

1988: First national debate on video game violence is sparked when an Italian-American plumber breaks into a blonde woman’s home, crushes her pet turtle to death, and tries to escape through a drainpipe

1989: Nintendo releases the Power Glove for people too lazy to glue a controller to a glove themselves

1990: Stocks plummet as a majority of gamers reach the water level

1994: Mia Farrow is revealed as the inspiration behind Princess Peach

2013: 627 people watch a video of someone playing the Nintendo release of Home Alone 2 on YouTube