LOS ANGELES—In a post to the app that garnered dozens of likes, local NextDoor user Janine Parry reportedly came right out and asked this week if it was okay to set a homeless man on fire. “Hey all, I’ve seen this guy around the neighborhood a few times, and I was wondering if anyone would mind if I doused him in kerosene?” said the 38-year-old homeowner who mentioned that while she believed the removal of the eyesore would be something the whole block would appreciate, she wanted to be “extra courteous” and seek input before acting. “If I dropped a match on him, would that be illegal or what? I didn’t see anything about it in the HOA. If anyone has any objections, just let me know in the next hour or so.” At press time, a fierce debate had broken out in the post’s comments after detractors warned the blaze would be too loud.
NextDoor User Comes Right Out And Asks If It Okay To Set Homeless Man On Fire