NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—Having surveyed a group that included more than 1,500 factory workers, dishwashers, and house painters, a team of researchers published a new study Thursday that found ashing a cigarette out of a cracked car window on a cold morning remained the best way to start a blue-collar workday. “The preferred method of preparing yourself for yet another long day of hard physical labor is still cracking the window to ash a Marlboro Red while the bracing air of a winter morning hits your face,” said study co-author and sociologist Mark Chambers of Rutgers University, adding that this typically took place after the car had been started but remained parked, and the worker was blowing into their hands and waiting for the engine of their 2002 Toyota Camry to warm up. “Our data shows that on a perfect day, the ignition will need to be cranked three or four times and the warehouse employee or steel worker will thank their lucky stars when it finally catches, sighing deeply as they consider the 12-hour shift ahead of them. We observed that the best blue-collar workday also starts with sitting on the vehicle’s frigid upholstery in a worn canvas jacket and bringing a thermos of hot coffee up to your face in order to warm your nose on the steam.” The study found that the worst way to start a blue-collar day was with the old car’s crumbling transmission finally giving out, leaving you with no way to get to work, and causing you to lose your job.
New Study Finds Ashing Cigarette Out Cracked Car Window On Cold Morning Still Best Way To Start Blue-Collar Workday