New ‘RoboCop’ Trailer Reveals Main Character To Be Some Sort Of Robotic Policeman

LOS ANGELES—According to sources, a new trailer released Thursday for the upcoming film RoboCop revealed that the movie’s main character seems to be some kind of futuristic robotic policeman or law enforcement officer. “The film—and I could be wrong—seems to posit a narrative world in which a half-machine, half-man is apparently an active member of the police force and is charged with upholding the law as though he were a human member of the police force,” said 32-year-old Macon, GA resident Jeffrey Albertson, adding that while the trailer was somewhat ambiguous, he believes RoboCop will, by and large, focus primarily on the actions of a singular robotic cop and not a police force comprised of many robotic cops. “I would assume, based on what I’ve seen, that because he is a robot policeman, if you will, and because he has the benefits of robotic technology, he will therefore be carrying out some of the film’s more difficult police missions. Again, this is purely conjecture at this point.” Albertson said he would just have to wait for the movie to come out to see if the human and robotic elements of the character’s identity come into conflict with one another, especially during the film’s quieter, more emotional scenes.