
New Mexico Governor's Grandparents Were Illegal Immigrants

Gov. Susana Martinez, who supports a bill that would prevent illegal immigrants from obtaining driver’s licenses in New Mexico, has acknowledged her father’s parents came to the United States without papers. What do you think?

Osamu Hall • Systems Analyst

“That’s why America is great. In just two generations, you can go from a being a struggling immigrant to hating one.”

Osamu Hall • Systems Analyst

Thea Golding • Occupational Therapy Aide

“If I were governor and they were my grandparents, I think I would have eventually given them their papers.”

Thea Golding • Occupational Therapy Aide

Marvin Staple • Woods Boss

“I refuse to answer your question, good sir, as it seems you are insinuating hypocrisy among an elected official. How dare you?”

Marvin Staple • Woods Boss