WASHINGTON—Calling a GOP victory in the 2012 presidential election antithetical to the party platform, top Republicans revealed a new long-term political strategy Tuesday: reelecting Barack Obama and making his life even more of a living hell than it already is.
“For three years, the Republican Party has coalesced around the single goal of making President Obama’s every waking moment sheer and utter torture,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters. “But we can’t continue to do that if he’s not in office.”
“If we are going to make the president a haggard shell of a human being by the time he leaves the White House, we need four more years of never compromising, four more years of miring every piece of legislation in unnecessary procedural muck, four more years of pretending we want to work with the president and then walking away from the table at the last second,” McConnell added. “Four more years! Four more years! Obama 2012!”
According to GOP sources, the decision to cede the 2012 election to Obama came after rank-and-file Republicans agreed that grinding the president down to nothing and pushing him to the brink of insanity was far more in line with the Republican Party’s core principles than actually controlling the White House, making laws, or governing the country.
Republican officials said that because they won’t be burdened with a time consuming presidential campaign, they can start looking beyond the 2012 general election and begin developing a four-pronged attack designed to ruin the president emotionally, physically, personally, and professionally.
Moreover, giving the president a second term in office would reportedly allow GOP lawmakers to build on the mental distress they’ve already caused him.
“If you look at what we’ve accomplished as a party in the last four years—making President Obama lose his temper on multiple occasions and even causing him to storm out of a meeting in frustration—it doesn’t make sense for us to throw all that away, not when we could do so much more,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said. “If by being impossible to work with we are able to make the president physically shake with frustration during every single meeting, give him the nervous tick of mumbling angrily under his breath, tarnish his entire legacy, and in the process completely destroy his faith in humanity, then we’ve succeeded as lawmakers.”
“If you thought this debt ceiling thing was bad, wait till you see how unbearable we are when it comes time for the Bush tax cuts to expire,” Cantor added. “We are going to pummel this man over and over and over until he regrets ever getting into politics.”
In order to make the president’s next four years the worst of his life, GOP legislators are reportedly working on a new “Destroy Every Fiber of Barack Obama’s Being” initiative, a plan that includes benchmarks such as making Obama look 10 years older than he is just six months into his second term; ruining his marriage before the 2014 midterm elections; and, by the time he leaves office, making him break down in front of the entire nation and say the words “I give up. Just please stop.”
“If Barack Obama doesn’t go to bed fuming with deep primal rage every single night, then we haven’t done our job,” said House Speaker John Boehner, who later called the residual effect of getting to watch Obama’s supporters become more and more disillusioned with their country as their president’s posture deteriorates, his face becomes exceedingly gaunt, and his once booming voice turn shaky and unconfident “definitely a plus.” “Mark my words: The Republican Party is committed to giving the American people a president who has a chronically bleeding gastric ulcer that makes it almost impossible for him to stand up.”
“To be honest, I’m glad we’re pulling out of this election, because I really don’t know what we would focus on if we won,” Boehner added. “Health care?”
While a major party forgoing a presidential campaign is considered unorthodox, Beltway insiders were not surprised by the Republican announcement, saying the GOP was simply playing to its strength.
“Making Barack Obama’s life a waking nightmare is what we do best,” Republican strategist Todd Harris said. “It’s also just smart politics. After all, getting the man reelected and watching him wither away to nothing before our very eyes will fire up the base more than any of the current Republican presidential candidates will.”