NEW YORK—Once more breathing life into the countless rumors and fan theories that have swirled since the series began, HBO released a new Game Of Thrones trailer Wednesday that suggests the eighth and final season will at long last reveal the identity of the hit show’s sword-covered chair. “We’re excited to finally address the question viewers have been asking all along: Who is the mysterious seat with all those blades on it?” said series co-creator David Benioff, adding that while many currently suspect the oversized piece of metal furniture is a Stark or a member of another ruling family, viewers must not rule out the possibility of it being a commoner, a White Walker, or even a warg. “We’ve dropped subtle hints throughout the series, of course. Some believe the big chair made out of swords is a Bolton because it was spared during the Red Wedding, while others read its hunger for power as a Lannister trait. The trailer cuts away right before Daenerys is about to divulge the big secret, so you’ll just have to tune in to find out what happens next.” At press time, leaked footage from the upcoming series finale confirmed that, just moments before its identity is revealed, the sword-covered chair is melted down for scrap, leaving its identity a mystery forever.
New ‘Game Of Thrones’ Trailer Confirms Season 8 Will Reveal Identity Of Sword-Covered Chair
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