Nation's Dads Find That Frank Caliendo Guy Pretty Funny

SHELTON, CT—According to those sitting in the same room as their fathers during MLB postseason games on TBS, the nation’s dads have been both impressed and amused by Frank TV promos in which comedian Frank Caliendo performs impersonations of politicians and celebrities. “Let me tell you, he’s got George W. Bush down pretty good,” said local dad Gerry DiCenzo, 54, who smiled throughout a 30-second spot in which Caliendo sang “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” as Bush, Robert DeNiro, Dr. Phil, and John Madden. DiCenzo emitted a contented chuckle upon the ad’s conclusion. “I like it when he does Seinfeld, and then he walks onto the same screen and does George at the same time. It’s pretty clever.” Despite enjoying the commercials, the nation’s dads said they have no plans to actually watch the full show once it begins airing on Oct. 21.

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