Nation Once Again Comes Under Sway Of Pink-Faced Half-Wit

NEW YORK—Following an Aug. 28 rally in Washington, D.C. attended by an estimated 87,000 Americans, experts confirmed this week that the U.S. populace appears to have fallen under the spell of yet another pink-faced half-wit.


The most recent pink-faced halfwit has reportedly captured the popular imagination through the conventional vehicles of a nationally syndicated talk-radio program and a cable news television show. According to media analyst Rebecca Ellington, the pink-faced half-wit has mesmerized the nation by spewing out hundreds of predictably reactionary and emotion≠ally manipulative on-air diatribes.

“This particular pink-faced half-wit is at the height of his persuasive powers,” Ellington said of the bloated, hateful multimillionaire. “By exploiting citizens’ greatest anxieties during an uncertain time in our nation’s history, the pink-faced half-wit has been able to promote his own vain, avaricious self-interests under the guise of standing up for the very disenfranchised people whom he himself is fleecing.”

“I’ve seen a number of pink-faced half-wits during my career, and in the pantheon of bombastic demagogues, this one will surely be remembered as one of the most disgusting,” Ellington continued. “It’s truly extraordinary: He may well be too ambitious and narcissistic to be able to comprehend how much damage he is doing to our country.”

According to scholars, pink-faced half-wits have had remarkable staying power throughout history despite their outlandish, easily debunked claims, shameless self-promotion, and complete lack of credentials. More often than not, experts said, these pasty, shallow dullards skillfully manage to control debate on the most important social and political topics of the day.


“Anytime followers heed his advice and do something illegal, [the pink-faced half-wit] can simply claim that his work is intended only for entertainment purposes,” said Ellington, proffering a copy of the current pink-faced half-wit’s inane ghostwritten thriller The Overton Window, a thinly veiled conduit for an untenable and potentially dangerous fringe ideological message. “This leaves them free to wield their truly baffling influence in incredibly irresponsible ways without fear of accountability.”

Dr. David Snider, a media historian and author of the book Frothing, Shouting Dim-Bulbs: An American Tradition, said that the current porcine loudmouth is the latest in a long line of pink-faced half-wits that began in the 1930s with the incendiary radio broadcasts of Father Charles Coughlin, a pink-faced half-wit Roman Catholic priest.

According to Snider, this original pink-faced half-wit exploited the Great Depression to foment his message of virulent anti-Semitism—a tactic of shamelessly preying upon American misery and misfortune that has since been employed by nearly every pink-faced, intellectually corrupt piece of shit asshole to open his fat, disgusting pig mouth since.

“These jowly nitwits are characterized by their false sense of moral superiority, as evidenced by the rash of philandering TV evangelists from the 1980s,” said Snider, referring to a subset of pink-faced half-wits who took advantage of people’s faith in a higher power to steal millions of dollars from them. “In recent years, there has been a new breed of equally vociferous, foaming morons who espouse opposing viewpoints but use identical tactics: the prime example being that pink-faced Michael Moore half-wit.”

Snider said most pink-faced half-wits eventually expose their nauseating, self-aggrandizing nature. He warned, however, that this is not always the case, and was careful to point out that the king of the pink-faced half-wits has, despite his hypocritical condemnations of drug abuse, weathered a very public OxyContin addiction, not to mention multiple statements of outright racism.

“Almost invariably, the pink-faced half-wit becomes so arrogant and self-important that he actually starts to believe the bullshit streaming from his fleshy hole and comes to think of himself as invincible,” Snider said. “If history is any indication, this latest ruddy, pabulum-spewing cretin will likely have a homosexual affair come to light or otherwise perjure himself in a way that will alienate all but his most fanatical followers.”

“Of course, there will be a new pink-faced halfwit to pick up the baton and employ oversimplified jingoistic polemics to once again enchant terrified people seeking easy answers,” Snider added. “And America will be right there ready to eat it up.”