
Mom Wants To Vacation Somewhere She Can Wear A Hat

GREEN BAY, WI—Calling her vision “the ideal trip,” local mother Misty Fulwider confirmed Tuesday that she wanted to vacation somewhere she could wear a hat. “Some place I can just put on a big, floppy hat that keeps the sun out of my eyes—now that’s my kind of vacation,” said Fulwider, who had a faraway look in her eyes as she called upon the rest of her family to consider visiting a place where she could pair the hat with a linen tunic or “something flowy.” “It doesn’t even have to be the beach, just somewhere sunny I can enjoy my new hat. It’s just so gloomy here, I haven’t had a good chance to wear it yet. And what would really be the cherry on top is if I could buy another hat there.” At press time, the rest of the family had settled on Six Flags.

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