MLB Pickpocket Suspected In Series Of Stolen Batting Gloves

MILWAUKEE—According to an urgent notice from the commissioner’s office, the infamous “MLB Pickpocket” is at it again—in the past week alone, over 40 players have reported their batting gloves missing or stolen from their back pockets. “I stole second base, got up, checked my pocket, and they were gone,” said a visibly shaken Tigers third baseman Miguel Cabrera, just one of the unlucky victims. In the meantime, the commissioner has released a general warning to all MLB players to be on the lookout for any suspicious activity on the basepaths. “We are advising all players who reach first base to either hold onto your batting gloves or hand them over to a trustworthy first-base coach,” Selig said. Any player who has had his batting gloves stolen and needs a new pair has been told to contact Dodgers second baseman Jeff Kent, who reportedly has over 150 spares on sale for discount prices.