California recently approved a referendum permitting, in certain cases, the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. What do you think of doctors being allowed to legally prescribe the drug?
“I am permitted to smoke dope because I have, like, the flu and shit.”
Julie Meyers • Teacher
“One time when I was sick, my dad gave me a big fattie, only it wasn’t the kind you smoke.”
Adam Feuerstein • State Senator
“I am a Bay Area surgeon, and I recently pioneered a new open-heart surgery technique where a big bag of weed is dropped into the patient’s open chest cavity. Results have been mixed.”
Michael Hiller • Surgeon
“I’d never smoke weed if I had cancer, man. I might freak out and get all paranoid and be, like, ’Whoa! I’ve got cancer, man!’”
Rajeev Thakker • Architect
“Now if my doctor could just prescribe me some pizza delivered to my place, I’d be fuckin’ set.”
Todd Pollack • Lawyer
“I like to whip up a marijuana poultice and apply it to my muscles when they ache. I also pour heroin into some hot water for a dandy foot massage!”
Cristina Tendero • Systems Analyst